Foundation of Friends of the Azerbaijani Culture
SEBA Association
Azerbaijan Taekwondo Federation
The total number of the Korean participants: 107 persons
- Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Republics of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan - 8 persons
- Azerbaijan Culture Centre (SEBA-Korea) - 1 person
- Korean Illustrators Association - 23 persons
- Daejeon Korean National Dance Group - 22 persons
- Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association - 10 persons
- Korean Culinary Institute of Sokmyung Women’s University - 6 persons
- Turkey-Korea Cultural Exchange Association - 3 persons
- TV news reporters of KBS TV - 3 persons
- Kyung Hee University - 31 persons (Dance group - 21 persons, specialists of oriental medicine - 5 persons, art critics - 5 persons)