


Gabala region/Azerbaijan

Author of the idea and organizer:

SEBA Association

Organizational support by:

The ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography

Expedition leader:

Ilyas Babayev, Professor, Doctor of History, associate member of ANAS


  • the village of Dizakhli
  • near Chukhur Gabala village

Excavation areas:

  • Kurgan (3rd millennium BC)
  • Salbir (the territory of the city centre of Gabala city, 1st-11th centuries)

Leaders of excavation:

  • Ilyas Babayev, associate member of ANAS
  • Yi Seonbok, Professor of the Seoul National University
  • Kim Jongil, Professor of the Seoul National University

The number of the participants: 18 persons


  • near Chukhur Gabala village
  • the village of Gushlar

Excavation areas:

  • Salbir (the territory of the city centre of Gabala city, 1st-11th centuries)
  • Necropolis (1st century BC-2nd century AD)

Leader of excavation: Jeyhun Eminli, PhD, leading researcher of ANAS                       

The number of the participants: 4 persons

Place: near Chukhur Gabala village
Excavation area: Gala (the territory of the city centre of Gabala city, 1st-18th centuries)
Leader of excavation: Gafar Jabiyev, Doctor of History, Professor, chief researcher of ANAS
The number of the participants: 4 persons

Completion of the process of conservation and construction of the structure above the base of the I oval building

Place: near Chukhur Gabala village of Gabala region
Area: Gullutala or Ancient (the territory of the city centre of Gabala city, 5th century BC-1st century AD)
Period of construction of the building: I century BC-I century AD
Building dimensions: length - 74 m; width - 23 m